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Friday, May 28, 2010

Dear Diary

Or, "Dear Journal," I should say.  Its been a week now since I've food journaled and I think I'm seeing some effect.  While I'm certainly aware of what I'm eating, I'm not nearly as focused on making sure that the balance is where I need it to be in order to meet my goal.  I find that when I journal, I am much more in tune with my portion sizes and calorie burn versus intake.  I've been lazy and am promising to get back on the food journal bandwagon starting tomorrow, which is great timing leading into the holiday weekend.

Our office kicked off the celebration with a barbecue and margaritas.  Knowing this was on the horizon for today, I opted for my berry, Fage, flax oil and protein powder smoothie.  I love this to start my day but I always find that I'm hungry around 10:00 or so.  I made sure to bring a pear and some Laughing Cow cheese and almonds for a mid-morning snack.

My company and my husband's company share an office so on special days, Michael barbecues.  I have to say, Michael makes the best hamburgers in San Diego the world.

I know how good these burgers are and I am fully aware that I am missing out just a little bit by not indulging, but this is part of the sacrifice to be made for that balance thing I look for.  I always bring a turkey burger on cookout days.  And, instead of the regular hamburger bun, I toast an Orowheat sandwich round.  I've actually started to prefer this instead of all the bread.

I did get a little pour happy with my Galeos salad dressing.  I love the stuff but today was a little overkill.

After work, Ken, Jolee and I hit the driving range again for another practice round.  I planned on going for a run but when Jolee called I was too tempted by my chance for revenge.  Wednesday's lesson just did not go well.  I was much happier with today's performance and actually made contact with the ball.  Progress.

Dinner at The Brigantine for a simple blackened chicken salad with the gang.

This weekend we plant my raised bed garden, which in some circles could be construed as premeditated murder.  I don't exactly have a green thumb and as Michael would say, I am the queen of the dead potted plant.  Proof:

The empty on the right was cilantro.  It died a week ago.  The one on the left is thyme.  It is about to die.  The middle is basil.  It's hanging on but needs CPR.  You can see though that I hope for a better future.  Seed packets sitting to the right are filled with possibility.  I actually love this Sagaform Herb Pot and am determined to grow lush, beautiful greens that I can get all culinary with when I cook.  I actually purchased two more for people who know their way around this stuff a little better than I do.

At any rate, I can't wait to find success in the garden.  I know there are some learning curves in front of me but I'm ready.

My Good Earth Tea quote for tonight is:
Every artist was first an amateur - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Every chef first understood how to measure dry ingredients
Every gardener first learned to care for a houseplant
Every writer first cut their teeth on a daily blog

Okay.  I'll take that.

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