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Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Longest Journey

The longest journey begins with a single step, right?  Well today it began with a lot of self coaching.  My journey?  Getting out of bet and out the door to spin by 6:00 a.m.  You would think since I just went through this on Tuesday it would be a little less painful today.  Its really easy that early in the morning to start the bargaining game.  Okay, so if I lay here and sleep for another hour I'll just go on a run later at lunch to make up for it.  Or,  I'll hit the gym extra hard this weekend and skip that glass of wine I know I'm going to want.

For me, the bargaining game is one where I rarely come out ahead.  Something either gets in the way or I start bargaining again later in the day on why now skipping that run is a really good idea.

My rule (generally) is that if I make a work out plan, I stick to it.  Generally.  I also believe that there are just times when I'm too pooped and need to give myself a rest.  The key for me is knowing when to distinguish between days that I'm feeling lazy, and days that I genuinely need the break.

This morning, the first step on my journey to spin class was heading for the coffee pot.  Progress.

Prior to walking into the gym, I grabbed a quick bite in my car.  I love these Greens + Protein Bars.  This one was 270 calories and my breakfast before my own mini Tour des France.

Self sabotage averted this morning and feeling pretty proud!

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