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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Win It Wednesday - One Hour of Personal Training!!!

Here it is!  Finally, Win It Wednesday and our giveaway for one hour of personal training with Mike Rouillard, my Evil Training Monster!  Three years ago I decided to shift my fitness routine to include muscle, strength and core exercises, taking me way out of my cardio comfort zone. 

I have to admit, I am the cardio queen and never met a kickboxing, spin or step class I didn't love.  My workouts with Mike?  Well, that's a whole different beast entirely.




Here's what has changed for me since I started with Mike and began building muscle and core streangth:
  • My body fat percentage has continued to decline
  • Hello!!   I see muscle! 
  • I feel strong
  • I can do pull-ups!  Okay, maybe only a couple but they are there.  I could not have said that three years ago!
  • Push ups, the real way!  Not on my knees!
  • I have abs, and I can feel them
  • If I slack off, lose focus or otherwise need a good kick in the rear, Mike is always (ALWAYS) happy to step in and dial up the training to get me back on track
  • Its something the hubby and I can do together
  • Combined with my cardio workouts, it allows me room for indulgances in my life (ummm wine, dirty martinis, pasta, bread, Mexican food, and the list goes on and on)
Although I lost most of my weight before I started with personal training, I thought a look back might be appropriate.  At my highest, I weighed in at 220 lbs. 

For those of you who have read my bio on the Fitness & Foodie website (and seen the other photos), you know that this has been a process taking years of hard work.  And, while training with Mike is no walk in the park, the work has turned into a passion and lifestyle choice that I can't see going without.

To enter this week's Win It Wednesday either respond to this post or email me at with an answer to the following question:

What have you been putting of doing, you know, that thing you keep saying that someday soon you'll get around to?

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